Clinical Focus:
- Knee surgery:
1. Sports injuries (Complex multi-ligament reconstructions, cartilage repair techniques including chorndrocyte implantation, meniscal repair and transplantation, patellar re-alignment)
2. Arthritis treatment (High tibial and distal femoral re-alignment osteotomies, unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasties, patello-femoral arthroplasties)
- MD
- MFSEM(UK) Member of the Faculty of Sports & Exercise Medicine
- FRCSEd Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- FRCSE Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- FRCS(Orth) Intercollegiate Fellowship Examination in Trauma & Orthopaedics
- Austrian Specialist Diploma in Orthopaedic and Orthopaedic Surgey
- Swiss Specialist Diploma in Orthopaedic and Orthopaedic Surgey
- German Specialist Diploma in Orthopaedics
Scientific Focus:
- Historical aspects of orthopaedic surgery
- Patello-femoral joint kinematics and biomechanics
- Cartilage regeneration and repair technologies
- Leg re-alignment in the treatment of early onset OA
- 1985 – 1991: University of Dusseldorf & Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
- 1991 – 1993: Beziksspital Tafers/Fribourg, Switzerland
- 1993 – 1994: Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK
- 1994 – 1995: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
- 1995 – 1997: Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Rotation, London, UK
- 1997 – 1999: Bristol Rotation, UK
- Long-term results after implantaion of expandable total femoral replacements
- Extendable tumour prosthesis in children with malignant bone tumours
- Biomechanics of the patello-femoral joint (native and resurfaced)
- The patello-femoral joint in total knee arthroplasty
- Practice of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in the UK
- History of ACL reconstruction
- Matrix induced autologous chondrocyte implantation
- Current trends in cartilage repair
- Minimally invasive surgery of the knee
- Osteochondritis dissecans
- Synovial plicae of the knee
- Bone graft substitute for the treatment of semi-malignant bone tumours
- Sacral insufficiency fractures
- Insall Travelling Fellowship Award 2007
Donated and sponsored by the (American) Knee Society and the Insall- Scott-Kelly Institute in New York to fund a six-week fellowship program at specialised knee arthroplasty units across the USA during which a specified research project has to be compiled - ASG-Fellowship Award 2006
Donated and sponsored by the British Orthopaedic Association with additional sponsoring from the Austrian, Swiss and German Orthopaedic Associations to fund a six-week fellowship program at specialised orthopaedic units in central Europe. - Ilizarov Fellowship Award 2002
Donated and sponsored by Smith&Nephew, USA to fund a six-week fellowship program at the Ilizarov Centre for Reconstructive Lower Limb Surgery in Kurgan/Russia. - Melbourne Orthopaedic Group Fellowship Award
Donated and sponsored by the Melbourne Orthopaedic Group to provide a 18 weeks fellowship in knee surgery at specialist centres in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane/Australia. - London Bone Tumour - Research Grant
Donated and sponsored by the University College London to fund research into the use of extendable distal and total femoral prosthesis in children with malignant bone tumours of the knee.
- 1999 – 2001: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, North Bristol NHS Trust
- 2001 – 2002: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London Knee Clinic
- 2002 - 2010: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Droitwich Spa Hospital
- 2011 - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Bristol/London
- John Martell (Chicago, Il) & Lee Segal (Pensylvania State University, Hershey, PA)
- 2006
Schindler OS
‘Leg malalignment and its treatment with osteotomies’
Focus on Knees – Journal, 2006;2(2) in press
Schindler OS, SR Cannon, TWR Briggs:
‘Use of a novel bone graft substitute in peri-articular bone tumours of the knee’
The Knee 2007; 14: 458-464
Schindler OS, R. Watura, M. Cobby:
‘Sacral insufficiency fractures. Review of 25 cases’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2007; 15: 339-346
Schindler OS
‘Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee’
Current Orthopaedics, 2007;21:47-58
Schindler OS, Misra R, Spalding A
‘Osteonecrosis of the medial tibial plateau’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006;14:325-329
Schindler OS
‘The 2nd BOA-ASG Travelling Fellowship 2006’
British Orthopaedic News, 2006; 34: 37-39
Schindler OS, SR Cannon, TWR Briggs, G Blunn:
‘Composite ceramic bone graft substitute in the treatment of locally aggressive benign bone tumours’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2008; 16: 66-74
Schindler OS:
‘Minimally invasive surgery of the knee’
Journal of Perioperative Practice 2007; 17: 535-542
Schindler OS:
‘Cartilage repair with autologous chondrocyte cell implantation’
Journal of Perioperative Practice 2008; November edition
Schindler OS, Dalziel R
Post thrombotic syndrome after asymptomatic deep venous thrombosis. Incidence in patients after total joint arthroplasty’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2005; 13: 113-119
Schindler OS ‘Synovial plicae of the knee’ Current Orthopaedics, 2004; 18: 210-219
Schindler OS ‘Synovial plicae of the knee’
Current Orthopaedics, 2004; 18: 210-219
Kurian J, Schindler OS, Hussain A
‘Medial meniscal cyst of the knee – an unusual presentation’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2003; 11: 234-236
Schindler OS
‘Bilateral capitellum humeri fracture’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2003; 11: 207-212
Schindler OS, Watura R, Cobby M
‘Sacral Insufficiency fractures. An under-recognised condition’
Current Orthopaedics, 2003; 17: 234-239
Schindler OS, Dixon JH, Case CP
‘Retroperitoneal giant Schwannomas’
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2002; 10: 77-84
Schindler OS, Cannon SR, Briggs TW, Blunn GW, Grimer RJ, Walker PS
‘Use of extendable total femoral replacements in children with malignant bone tumours’
Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, 1998;357: 157-170
Schindler OS, Cannon SR, Briggs TW, Blunn GW
‘Stanmore custom-made extendable distal femoral replacements: Clinical experience in children with primary malignant bone tumours’
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery [Br], 1997;79-B: 927-937
Schindler OS, Briggs TWR, Gillies SA
‘Bilateral demyelinating neuropathy in a solitary lytic/sclerotic mye-loma of the proximal humerus’
International Orthopaedics, 1997; 21(1): 59-62
Schindler OS, Rost R
‘Effect of low dose omega-3 fatty acid supplementations on plasma-lipids and lipoproteins in patients with coronary heart disease and dyslipoproteinaemia’
European Journal of Nutrition, 1996; 35: 191-198
Schindler OS, Fairbank JCT
‘Traumatic two level intervertebral disc herniation in an adolescent: a case report’
British Journal of Clinical Practice, 1996; 50(3): 171-173
Schindler OS, Wilson-MacDonald J
Acute MRI changes in infectious discitis
European Spine Journal, 1995; 4(6): 360-361
Schindler OS, Spencer R, Smith M
‘Should we use a separate knife for the skin?’
Journal of Bone And Joint Surgery, 2006; 88-B: 382-385
Schindler OS
‘GoreTex ACL graft related complications. A case report’
Midland Problem Knee Club - Journal, 2003;1(5):5
Schindler OS
‘Avascular necrosis of the medial tibial plateau. A case report’
Midland Problem Knee Club - Journal, 2003;3(5):1
Schindler OS, Strover AE, Shazley M
‘Meniscal allograft in arthritic knees. A 1 to 7 year follow-up’
Proceedings of the Meniscal Transplant Study Group, Mar 2004
Schindler OS, Briggs TWR, Cannon SR
‘Clinical experience with Stanmore extendable distal femoral replace-ments in growing individuals with primary malignant bone tumours’
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,Suppl.1,1997; 79-B:97
Schindler OS:
‘Growing your own cartilage – a way to repair damaged joints’
SportsEx 2009; in press
Schindler OS:
‘The practice of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in the United Kingdom’
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery