Prof. Dr. med. Christian Gerber

- 1971 - 1977 University of Berne, CH
- 1974 Clerkships: University of Oklahoma (Dr. O` Donoghue, 2 months)
- 1977 MD University of Berne; thesis on “Total Knee Arthroplasty” under Prof. M. E. Muller
- 1977 Yale Medical School (Radiology, Internal Medicine, 6 months)
- 1979 Visa Qualifying Exam: ECFM, Certificate No: 303-158-0
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- Special expertise: Schoulder- and Elbow Surgery
- Intern:
Internal Medicine (9 months), City Hospital, Herzogenbuchsee, CH
Neurology (7 months), Department of Neurology, University of Berne, CH - Resident:
General Surgery and Traumatology (2 years, part of orthopaedic training), Davos Hospital, CH (Prof. P. Matter)
Orthopaedic Surgery (3 years), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Berne, CH (Prof. R. Ganz) - Fellow:
Shoulder Surgery, University of Texas, San Antonio (Prof. C. A. Rockwood, Jr) January-June 1984
Tumor Surgery/Foot and Ankle, Hospital Cochin, F-Paris (Prof. B. Tomeno) October 1984-March 1985
Peadriatric Orthopaedics, Hospital Trousseau, F-Paris (Prof. H. Carlioz) April-September 1985 - Staffmember:
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Berne, CH (Prof. R. Ganz) October 1985-December 1991 - 1988 Associate Professor: Orthopaedics, University of Berne, January 1988
- 1991 Professor: Orthopaedics, University of Berne, December 1991
- 1992 Chairman: Department of Orthopaedics Hospital Cantonal, 1708 Fribourg, CH, January 1992
- 1995 Professor and Charman: Department of Orthopaedics, University of Zurich, CH, Oktober 1/1995
Preise und Ehrungen
- 1983 - 1991 Auszeichnungen:
Hans Neuenschwander Foundation 1983: CHF 54’000 (for continued personal training)
Hans Neuenschwander Foundation 1984: CHF 40’000
M. E. Muller-Foundation 1984: CHF 20’000
EKSF (Sports Research Foundation) 1984: CHF 16’000 (all for project: Rehabilitation after ACL Reconstruction)
ARC (French Cancer Research Fund) 1984: FFR 72’000 (for clinical project: Diaphysseal Resection and Shoulder Tumors)
AO-Research Commission 1991: CHF 180’000 (in vivo test of rotator cuff repairs)
Sulzer Medica: CHF 200`000 (Outcomes research in total joint arthroplasty) - 1990 Charles S. Neer Award of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Basic Research Category 1990
- 1996 Didier Patte Award (European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery) 1996
- 1998 Charles S. Neer Award of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Basic Research Category 1998
- 1998 Charles S. Neer Award of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Clinical Research Category
- 1998 Silver Medal of Merit of the State of Zurich for extraordinary achievements in science 1998
- SGSM Swiss Society of Sports Medicine (former board member)
- AO Switzerland
- SYNOS Foundation for the Advancement of Orthopaedic Surgery (board)
- NF National Resaerch Programme Implants and Transplants (board)
- SECEC/ESSSE European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (president 1995-1998)
- SOFCOT Société Francaise de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique
- GETO (Tumor Study Group of the French Orthopaedic Surgeons)
- ESB Europaen Society of Biomechanics
- SECHC Spanish Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (honorary member 1998)
- SICOT Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologique)
- AAOS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (international affiliate member)
- ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (corresponding member)
- Western Orthopaedic Association (honorary member 1993)
- Australien Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (corresponding member)
Gerber C., Vinh T. S., Hertel R., Hess C. W.
Latissimus dorsi transfer for the treatment of massive tears of the rotator cuff. A preliminary report.
Clin Orthop 232: 51-61, 1988
Gerber C., Schneeberger A. G., Vinh T. S.
The arterial vascularization of the humeral head. An anatomical study (C. S. Neer: Research Award Paper 1990).
J. Bone Joint Surg. 72-+: 1486-1494, 1990
Gerber C., Krushell R. J.
Isolated Tears of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle. Clinical features in sixteen eases.
J Bone Joint Surg 73-B: 389-394, 1991
Gerber C., Schneeberger, A., Beck M., Schlegel U.
Mechanical strength of repairs of the rotator cuff.
J Bone Joint Surg 76-B: 371-380, 1994
Gerber C., Lambert S.
Allograft reconstruction of segmental defects of the humeral head for the treatment of chronic locked posterior dislocation of the shoulder.
J Bone Joint Surg 78-A: 376-382, 1996
Gerber C., Galantay R. V., Hersche O.
The pattern of pain produced by irritation of the acromioclavicular joint and the subacromial space.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 7: 352-355, 1998
Gerber C., Berberat C., Hersche O.
The clinical relevance of posttraumatic avascular necrosis of the humeral head.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 7: 586-590, 1998
Gerber C., Schneeberger A. G., Perren S. M. Nyffeler R. W.
Experimental rotator cuff repair. A preliminary study.
J Bone Joint Surg 81-A, 1281-1290, 1999
Jost B., Pfirrmann W. A., Gerber C.
Clinical outcome after structural failure of rotator cuff repairs.
J Bone Joint Surg 82-A: 304-314, 2000
Gerber C., Sebesta A.
Impingement of the deep surface of the subscapularis tendon and the reflection pulley on the anterosuperior glenoid rim. A preliminary report.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 6: 483-490