Clinical Focus:
- Foot& ankle, MIS hip and knee, Reumatoid arthritis surgery and Hand surgery
- Orthopaedics, Rheumatology
Scientific Focus:
- Gate analyses, MIS, Hämophilia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Clinical research
- 1985: Attending Surgeon/Oberarzt
- 1985: Chief of RA-patient service
- 2002: vice-chairman
- Orthop. Abteilung AÖKH St Pölten ab 1978- 1984
- Univ. Klinik für Orthopädie Wien 1984 bis laufend
- University Vienna 1971 - 1978
- 1978: Promotion / Dr. med.
- 1989: Thesis/Habilitation in Vienna
- 1994: UniversitätsprofessorProfessorship
- President Ö. Ges. Fußchirurgie
- Vice-president der ARO
- Executive board Ö Ges. Rheumatologie
- Peter Kaps, Andres Imhoff, Wolfgang Rüther
- 1991
Wanivenhaus A., Schiller Ch.:
Die Epiphysiodese als Mittel zur Wachstumslenkung – Berechnung einer Winkelfunktion zur Planung von Achsfehlerkorrekturen.
Z. Orthop. U. Grenzgeb. 127 (1989): 125-129
Wanivenhaus A., Pretterklieber M.
The first tarsometatarsal. Joint-anatomic biomechanical study.
Foot & Ankle 9 (1989): 153-157
Wanivenhaus A., Seidl G., Smolen J., Neuhold A., Wicke L.
The value and significance of magnetic resonance imaging of the craniocervical junction in the rheumatoid Arthritis.
Scand. J. of Rheumatology 18 (1989): 325-328
Wanivenhaus A., Gottsauner-Wolf F., Brettschneider W., Ruatti H., Seidl H.
2-4-Jahresresultate der zementfreien Anwendung der PCA unicondylären Knieendoprothese.
Z. Orthop. 128(1990): 612-616
Kirchheimer J. C., Wanivenhaus A.
Declines in the range of Motion and malalignement in hands of patients with juvenile rheumatoid. Arthritisstudied over six years.
J. Rheumatology 17: 12 (1990): 1653-1656
Wanivenhaus A., Lintner F., Wurnig Ch., Missaghi-Schinzl M.
Long term reactions of the osseous bed around silicone implants.
Archives of Orthop. And Traum. Surgery 110 (1991): 146-150
Pretterklieber M., Wanivenhaus A.
The arterial supply of the sesamoid bones of the hallux: The course and source of the nutrient arteries as an anatomical basis for surgical approaches to the great toe.
Foot & Ankle 13/1 (1992): 27-31
Wanivenhaus A., Pilz I., Böhler N., Lukeschitsch G., Bubendorfer U.
Therapie und Prävention bei Kindern mit entzündlich rheumatischen Krankheiten.
Z. Orthop. 103/20 (1991), 626-62
Metz V., Schlatter M., Dock W., Grabenwöger F., Kuzbari R., Lang S., Wanivenhaus A., Puig S., Imhof H.
Age-associated changes of the triangular. Fibrocartilage of the Wrist: Evaluation of the Diagnostic Performance of mr imaging.
J. Radiology 184 (1992): 217-220
Wanivenhaus A., Brettschneider W.
Influence of Metatarsal head displacement on metatarsal pressure distribution after hallux valgus surgery.
Foot & Ankle 14 (1993), 85-89