Dr. med. Victor Valderrabano

Schulischer Werdegang
- 1988 - 1992 Gymnasium II, Typus B (klassisch)
Kantonsschule Stadelhofen, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz - 1992 Schweizerisches Eidgenössische Maturität
- 1993 - 1999 Humanmedizinstudium, Universität Zürich
- 1999 Staatsexamen, Universität Zürich
Klinischer Werdegang
- 1999 - 2005 Orthopädische Universitätsklinik, Universitätsspital Basel, Schweiz
Leiter: Prof. Dr. B. Hintermann, Direktor: Prof. Dr. W. Dick - 2000 Notfall- und Polyklinic, Chirurgisches Department, Universitätsspital Basel; Leiter: Dr. Paul E. Linder, Direktor: Prof. Dr. F. Harder
- 2002 - 2003 Orthopädische/Chirurgische Klinik, Spital Davos, Davos, Schweiz
Chefärzte: Dr. med. Thomas Perren / Dr. med. C. Ryf / Dr. med. P. Rillmann - 2004 - 2005 Orthopädisches Fellowship “Lower Extremity Orthopaedics”, Orthopaedic Department, University of Calgary,
Director: Prof. Dr. med. Cy Frank, Orthopaedic Department, University of Calgary; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hugh Dougall, Orthopaedic Department, University of Calgary
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- 2001 Research Fellowship of the Swiss Orthopaedic Society:
Biomechanical Institute, Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, Canada. Director: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Benno M. Nigg - 2003 - 2005 Ph.D. Program in Biomechanics, Human Performance Laboratory,
Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Canada
Director/Supervisor: Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Benno M. Nigg - 2006 Habilitation/Venia Docendi für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates, Universität Basel, Schweiz
Preise und Ehrungen
- Orthopedic Research Fellowship Award 2001
Research Fellowship Award of the Swiss National Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery (SGO): Biomechanical Institute, Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, Canada ; January-September 2001, Director: Prof. Dr. Benno M. Nigg - Michael Jäger Sports Orthopaedic Award 2001
Research Award of the Orthopedic-Trauma-Sports Medicine Society GOTS; Munich, Germany; 30th June 2001 - GOTS-Fellowship Award 2002
Asian Fellowship of the Orthopedic-Trauma-Sports Medicine Society GOTS to Japan and Korea, Duration 4 weeks, 21st of March – 19th of April 2002 - European Foot & Ankle Society EFAS Award 2002
Award of the 4th European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS). Congress, Sevilla, Spain; 23.03.2002; - Venel Research Award 2002
Research Award 2002 of the Swiss National Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery (SGO); Lausanne, Switzerland, 21.06.2002 - Orthopedic Research Fellowship Award 2004/2005
Research Fellowship of the Swiss Orthopedic Surgery Society: Biomechanical Institute, Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, Canada; 2004. Director: Prof. Dr. Benno M. Nigg - Harold Vasey-Award 2004: Best National Candidate at Swiss National Board Exam for Orthopaedic Surgery 2004
02.10.2004; Achievement of highest grade and nomination as “Best National Candidate” at the written part of the Swiss National Board Exam for Orthopaedic Surgery - Honorary Membership of the Spanish Foot and Ankle Society AEMCP 2004
25.06.2004; Invited Guest Speaker and Receipt of the Honorary Membership of the Spanish Foot and Ankle Society AEMCP, Cadiz, Spain - Research Career Award Swiss National Science Foundation SNF 2005
Research Career Award of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) 2005 - Young Investigator Award EFSMA 2005
Young Investigator Award of the European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations. Leumann A, Valderrabano V, Marti B, Hintermann B. 13.-15. October 2005, Lemnesos, Cyprus. - Imhaeuser Research Award 2006
Imhaeuser Research Award 2006 of the German Foot and Ankle Society. 17.03.2006, Heidelberg, Germany. - J. Leonard Goldner Basic Science Award 2006
J. Leonard Goldner Award 2006 of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society AOFAS; 14.07.2006, La Jolla/San Diego, USA.
- 1999 Swiss Foot and Ankle Society (SFAS)
- 2001 American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS)
- 2001 German-Swiss-Austrian Orthopaedic-Trauma-Sports Medicine Society (GOTS)
- 2001 International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)
- 2002 Swiss Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery (SGO)
- 2003 AO Alumni Association, AO / ASIF
- 2004 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
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