Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Trnka

Current Position:
Head of the Foot and Ankle and Wound Healing Team, Hospital Göttlicher Heiland
Clinical Focus:
- Foot and Ankle Surgery
- AOFAS Foot and Ankle Fellowship
Scientific Focus:
- Hindfoot reconstruction
- Hallux valgus
- Metatarsalgie
- Head of the Wound team (2010)
- Attending Surgeon / Oberarzt (2004)
- Orthopaedic Hospital Gersthof (1993 – 1997)
- Foot and Ankle Fellowship Mark Myerson ( 1997 – 1998)
- Professorship, University of Vienna (2011)
- Habilitation / Universitiy of Vienna (2001)
- Promotion / Dr. med. (1990)
- Past General Secretary EFAS
- Past General Secretary AUFAS
- Past President AUFAS
- Chairman Fellowship Committee EFAS
- Andreas Boss, Anke Eckhardt, Susanne Fuchs
- 2001
Trnka H.-J., Easley M., Zembsch A., Zettl R., Ritschl P.
The Distal Chevron Osteotomy for Correction of Hallux valgus: A prospective Study of 2-Year versus 5-Year Follow-up.
JBJS (Am) 82-A (10): 1373-1378, 2000
Trnka H.-J., Brent P., Chu Intak, Easley M., Gerd I., Schon L., Myerson M. S.
Mechanical Comparison of 6 Different First Metatarsal Shaft Osteotomies and its Influence On Postoperative Immobilization.
Clin. Orthop. 381: 256-265, 2000
Trnka, H.-J., Easley M. E., Myerson M. S.
The role of calcaneal osteotomies for correction of adult flatfoot.
Clin. Orthop.: No 365: 50-64, 1999
Easley M., Trnka H.-J., Anderson C., Lam P., Miller St., Schon L., Myerson M.
Isolated Subtalar Arthrodesis.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2000 May; 82 (5): 613-624
Zembsch A., Trnka H.-J., Mühlbauer M., Ritschl P.
Correction of hallux valgus. Metatarsal osteotomy versus excision arthroplasty.
Clin. Orthop. 2000 Jul; (376): 183-94
Trnka H.-J., Ivanic G. M., Mühlbauer M., Ritschl P.
Metatarsalgie: Die Behandlung des dislozierten Metatarsophalangealgelenkes.
Ortohpäde, 2000 May; 29 (5): 470-8
Trnka H.-J., Zembsch A., Wiesauer W., Hungerford M., Salzer M., Ritschl P.
Modified Austin Procedure for Correction of Hallux Valgus.
Foot & Ankle Vol. 18/No. 3: 119-127, 1997
Trnka H.-J., Mühlbauer M., Zembsch A., Hungerford M., Salzer M., Ritschl P.
Basal Closing Wedge Osteotomy for Correction of Hallux Valgus and Metatarsus Primus Varus: 10-20 Year Follow-up.
Foot and Ankle Int. Vol. 20, No 3: 171-177, 1999
Trnka H.-J., Mühlbauer M., Zettl R., Myerson M. S., Ritschl P.
Comparison of the results of the Weil and Helal osteotomies for treatment of metatarsalgia secondary to dislocation of the lesser metatarsophalangeal joints.
Foot & Ankle Int. Vol. 20, No. 2: 74-78, 1999
Ritschl P., Trnka H.-J., Zettl R.
Gersthofer Therapiekonzept der Hallux valgus Korrektur. Erfahrungen von 1993 bis 1996.
Zeitschrift für Orthopädie. 137: 521-527, 1999