Personal Data:
- Name: Sell Stefan, Prof.
- Date of birth: 04.09.1960
- City of birth: St. Wendel
- E-mail:
- Wife / Partner: Ina Sell,
- Children: Patrick and Leon
- Hobbies: Sports, travel
- Languages: French, English
Professional Data:
- Current Position: Medical Director Joint Center Black forrest
- Office: Marxzellerstr. 46, 75305 Neuenbürg
- Telephone: +49 7082/ 79652815
- E-mail:
- Current Position: Head of department Sportorthopedics, University Karlsruhe (KIT)
- Office: Engler-Bunte-Ring 15, 76131 Karlsruhe
- Telephone: +49 721 608 47541
- E-mail:
Clinical Focust:
- Knee replacement, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sportorthopedics
- Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Spezielle orthopädische Chirurgie, orthopädische Rheumatologie, Handchirurgie
Scientific Focus:
- Knee replacement, Biomechanics in Arthrosis, Sportorthopedics
- 2015 Medical Director Joint Center Black Forrest
- 2002 Chief Surgeon, Center of joint replacement Bad Wildbad
- 1991 Consultant Orthopedic Clinic, University Tübingen
- Cocomac-, ERASS-fellowship
- President (BVOU) German orthopedic congress 2004
- Board of Society of South German Orthopedic surgeons (VSOU)
- Board of Rheumaliga
- Beat Hintermann, Siegfried Hoffmann, Joachim Schmidt
- 1996
Sell S., Zacher J., Lack S.
Propriozeptionsstörung am arthrotischen Knie.
Z. Rheumatol. 52 (1993), 150-155
Sell S., Hintzenstern K., Willms R., Zacher J.
Radiolunäre Arthrodesen – ein präventiver Eingriff bei der chronischen Polyarthritis.
Akt. Rheumatol. 21 (1995), 27-33
Sell S., Jani R., Esenwein S., Gaismaier C., Herr G., Bamberg M., Küsswetter W.
Suppression heterotoper Ossifikationen: Single dose versus fraktionierte Radiatio – eine tierexperimentelle Studie.
Z. Orthop. (1995), 514-519
Sell S., Schulze R., Balensiefen M., Weber H., Küsswetter W.
Lesions of the achilles tendon. A sonographic, histological and biomechanical study.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 115 (1996), 28-32
Sell S., Jani R., Kremling E., Esenwein S., Gaissmaier C., Küsswetter W.
Prävention heterotoper Ossifikationen nach zementfreiem Hüftgelenksersatz durch fraktionierte Radiatio – eine prospektive Studie.
Z. Orthop. 134 (1996), 375-380
Sell S., Esenwein S., Gaissmaier C., Moosmaier J., Küsswetter W.
Die Sonographie der Patellarsehne – eine experimentelle Studie.
Z. Orthop. 135 (1997), 261-265
Sell S., Gaissmaier C., Herr G., Küsswetter W., Rodemann H. P.
Different behavior of human osteoblast like cells isolated from normal and heterotopic bone in vitro.
Calcified tissue 62 (1998), 51-59
Sell S., Wilms R., Bruhn G., Jany R., Esenwein S., Gaissmaier C., Martini F., Bruhn G., Burkhartsmaier G., Bamberg M., Küsswetter W.
Prevention of heterotopic ossifications – a comparaison of two prophylactic methods.
J. Arthroplasty 13 (1998), 854-859
Sell S., Teschner M., Gaissmaier C., Küsswetter W.
Wirkung von Diclofenac auf osteogene Zellen.
Z. Rheumatol. 58 (1999), 13-20
Sell S., Schleh T.
C reactive protein – as an early indicator fort he formation of heterotopic ossifications.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 119 (1999), 205-207