Nicolas O. Noiseux, MD, MS, FRCSC, FAOA

I am an orthopedic surgeon originally from Montreal, Canada.
I trained at McGill University and the Mayo Clinic. I currently work at the University of Iowa with a focus on hip and knee reconstructive surgery.
I do numerous primary total hip and knee arthroplasties yearly, as well as many revisions (25%).
In the last 5 years of my career, I have placed a significant emphasis on peri-operative pain control and rapid recovery protocols for quicker, less painful recovery for my patients. I have studied and published extensively on factors relating to pre- and post-operative risk factors for pain and pain modulators. I use and train residents and fellows on the latest surgical techniques such as robotic-assisted surgery; and am interested in all aspects of improving efficiency and reducing pain around arthroplasty surgery.
Presentation Topics
1. Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Who, When, How and Why?
2. Causes of TKA Failure: How Do We Find Them and Fix Them?
3. Metal Sensitivity in Total Joint Replacement
4. Robotics in Total Joints: What is the Current Level of Evidence Showing Benefit?
5. Orthopedic volunteering in Africa
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Tanzer M, Noiseux N. Osseous Abnormalities and Early Osteoarthritis, The Role of Hip Impingement, CLIN ORTHOP AND RELAT RES. 2004 December;429:170-177. PMID:15577483.
- Khan FA, Koff MF, Noiseux NO, Bernhardt KA, O’Byrne MM, Larson DR, Amrami KK, Kaufman KR. Effect of Local Alignment on Compartmental Patterns of Knee Osteoarthritis., J BONE JOINT SURGERY AM. 2008 September;90(9):1961-1969. PMID:18762657.
- Herickhoff PK, Johnston RC, Marsh JL, Clark CR, Noiseux N. Primary hip and knee replacement: "are we all operating on the same patients, even at the same institution?", IOWA ORTHOP J. 2010;30:109-14. PMID:21045982.
- Judd KT, Noiseux N. Concomitant Infection and Local Metal Reaction in Patients Undergoing Revision of Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Arthroplasty., IOWA ORTHOP J. 2011;31:59-63. PMID:22096421.
- Rakel BA, Blodgett NP, Zimmerman MB, Logsden-Sackett N, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Herr K, Geasland K, Yang X, Sluka KA. Predictors of Postoperative Movement and Resting Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, PAIN. 2012 November 01;153(11):2192-2203. PMID:22840570.
- Nystrom LM, Wyatt CM, Noiseux NO. Arthroplasty Infection by Priopionibacterium Granulosum Treated with Reimplantation Despite Ongoing Purulent-appearing Fluid Collection., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2013 January;28(1):198. e5-8. PMID:22552222.
- Ouellet JA, Richards C, Sardar Z, Giannitsios D, Noiseux N, Strydom W, Reindl R, Jarzem P, Arlet V, Steffen T. Finite Element Analysis and Biomechanical Comparison of Short Posterior Spinal Instrumentation with Divergent Bridge Construct versus Parallel Tension Band Construct for Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures., GLOBAL SPINE J. 2013 June;3(2):85-94. PMID:24436856.
- Haasper C, Buttaro M, Noiseux NO, et al. Irrigation and Debridement, J ORTHOP RES. 2014 January;32(Suppl 1):S130-5. PMID:24464886.
- Noiseux NO, Long WJ, Mabry TM, Hanssen AD, Lewallen DJ. Uncemented Porous Tantalum Acetabular Components: Early Follow-Up and Failures in 613 Primary Total Hip Arthroplasties, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2014 March;29(3):617-20. PMID:23993435.
- Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Clark CR, Zimmerman MB, Sluka KA, Rakel BA. Preoperative Predictors of Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2014 July;29(7):1383-7. PMID:24630598.
- Miller BJ, Callaghan JJ, Cram P, Karam M, Marsh JL, Noiseux NO. Changing Trends in the Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures: A Review of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Database, JBJS (Am). 2014 September 3;96(17):e149. PMID:25187593.
- Rakel BA, Zimmermen MB, Geasland K, Embree J, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Herr K, Walsh D, Sluka KA. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the control of pain during rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty: A randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial., PAIN. 2014 December;155(12):2599-611. PMID:25270585.
- Martin CT, Heiner AD, Baer TE, Pugely AJ, Noiseux NO. Protrusio After Medial Acetabular Wall Breach in Total Hip Arthroplasty., IOWA ORTHOP J. 2015 January 1;35:99-107. PMID:26361450.
- Callaghan JJ, Pugely A, Liu S, Noiseux N, Willenborg M, Peck D. Measuring Rapid Recovery Program Outcomes: Are All Patients Candidates for Rapid Recovery, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2015 April 1;30(4):531-532. PMID:25702594.
- Long WJ, Noiseux NO, Mabry TM, Hanssen AD, Lewallen DG. Uncemented Porous Tantalum Acetabular Components: Early Follow-up and Failures in 599 Revision Total Hip Arthroplasties, IOWA ORTHOP J. 2015 June 12;35:108-113. PMID:26361451.
- Duchman KR, Gao Y, Pugely AJ, Martin CT, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ. The Effect of Smoking on Short-Term Complications Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, JBJS (Am). 2015 July 01;97(13):1049-58. PMID:26135071.
- Fang M, Noiseux N, Linson E, Cram P. The Effect of Advancing Age on Total Joint Replacement Outcomes, GERIATRIC ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND REHABILITATION. 2015 September 1;6(3):173-9. PMID:26328232.
- Warth LC, Noiseux NO, Hogue MH, Klaassen AL, Liu SS, Callaghan JJ. Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Primary and Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Multimodal Approach to Perioperative Pain Control Including Ketorolac and Celecoxib., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2016 January;31(1):253-55. PMID:26377377.
- Holt JB, Miller BJ, Callaghan JJ, Clark CR, Willenborg MD, Noiseux NO. Minimizing Blood Transfusion in Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Through a Multimodal Approach., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2016 February;31(2):378-82. PMID:26391927.
- Gholson JJ, Shah AS, Gao Y, Noiseux NO. Morbid Obesity and Congestive Heart Failure Increase Operative Time and Room Time in Total Hip Arthroplasty., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2016 April;31(4):771-5. PMID:26654486.
- Phruetthiphat OA, Gao Y, Vasta S, Zampogna B, Piperno A, Noiseux NO. Preoperative Risk Factors for, and Incidence of Delayed Surgery in Elective Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty After Hospital Admission: The ACS-NSQIP., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2016 July 1;31(7):1413-6. PMID:26994648.
- Frey-Law LA, Bohr N, Sluka KA, Herr K, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Zimmerman MB, Rakel BA. Pain sensitivity profiles in patients with advanced knee osteoarthritis, PAIN. 2016 September;157(9):1988-1999. PMID:27152688.
- Glass NA, Segal NA, Callaghan JJ, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Gao Y, Johnston R. Comparison of the extent to which total hip and total knee arthroplasty restore patient-reported physical function, OSTEOARTHRITIS CARTILAGE. 2016 November;24(11):1875-1882. PMID:27349459.
- Bailin S, Noiseux NO, Pottinger JM, Johannsson B, Haleem A, Johnson S, Herwaldt LA. Screening Patients Undergoing Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty with Perioperative Urinalysis and the Effect of a Practice Change on Antimicrobial Use., INFECT CONTROL HOSP EPIDEMIOL. 2017 March 01;38(3):281-286. PMID:27869063.
- Hadlandsmyth KH, Sabic E, Zimmerman MB, Sluka KA, Herr KA, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Geasland KM, Embree JL, Rakel BA. Relationships among pain intensity, pain-related distress, and psychological distress in pre-surgical total knee arthroplasty patients: a secondary analysis. PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH & MEDICINE. 2017 June 01;22(5):552-563. PMID:27216314.
- Gholson JJ, Noiseux NO, Otero JE, Gao Y, Shah AS. Patient Factors Systematically Influence Hospital Length of Stay in Common Orthopaedic Procedures., IOWA ORTHOP J. 2017 June 15;37:233-237. PMID:28852363.
- Tofte JN, Holte AJ, Noiseux NO. Popliteal (Baker's) Cysts in the Setting of Primary Knee Arthroplasty., IOWA ORTHOP J. 2017 June 15;37:177-180. PMID:28852354.
- Day MA, Duchman KR, Noiseux NO. Traumatic Obturator Dislocation Following Total Hip Arthroplasty Managed with Closed Reduction: A Case Report and Review of the Literature., JBJS CASE CONNECT. 2017 July;7(3):66. PMID:29356706.
- Holte AJ, Tofte JN, Dahlberg GJ, Noiseux N. Use of 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate Adhesive and Polyester Mesh for Wound Closure in Primary Knee Arthroplasty. ORTHOPEDICS. 2017 Sep 1;40(5):e784-e787. PMID: 28598492
- McDanel DL, Azar AE, Dowden AM, Murray-Bainer S, NOISEUX NO, Clark CR, Willenborg M, Callaghan JJ, Haleem A. Screening for Beta-Lactam Allergy in Joint Arthroplasty Patients to Improve Surgical Prophylaxis Practice., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2017 Sep;32(9S):S101-S108. PMID: 28236547
- Cooper NA, Rakel BA, Zimmerman B, Tonelli SM, Herr KA, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Sluka KA. Predictors of multidimensional functional outcomes after total knee arthroplasty., J ORTHOP RES. 2017 December;35(12):2790-2798. PMID:28471509.
- Day MA, Anthony CA, Bedard NA, Glass NA, Clark CR, Callaghan JJ, Noiseux NO. Increasing Perioperative Communication with Automated Mobile Phone Messaging in Total Joint Arthroplasty., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2018 January;33(1):19-24. PMID:29017803.
- Noiseux NO. The Two-Incision and Mini-Posterior Approaches for Total Hip Arthroplasty Did Not Differ in Terms of Outcomes at More Than Eight Years., JBJS (Am). 2018 February 21;100(4):346-347. PMID:29462041.
- Hadlandsmyth K, Zimmerman B, Wajid R, Sluka K, Herr K, Clark CR, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Rakel BA. Longitudinal Postoperative Course of Pain and Dysfunction Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, CLIN J PAIN. 2018 April;34(4):332-338. PMID:28731957.
- Kohler J, Glass N, Noiseux NO, Callaghan JJ, Miller BJ. Might Doctors Really "Know Best"?: Utilizing Surgeon Intuition to Strengthen Preoperative Surgical Risk Assessment., IOWA ORTHOP J. 2018 June 15;38:203-208. PMID:30104946.
- Shinozaki G, Chan AC, Sparr NA, Zarei K, Gaul LN, Heinzman JT, Robles J, Yuki K, Chronis TJ, Ando T, Wong T, Sabbagh S, Weckmann MT, Lee S, Yamada T, Karam MD, Noiseux NO, Shinozaki E, Cromwell JW. Delirium detection by a novel bispectral electroencephalography device in general hospital., PSYCHIATRY CLIN NEUROSCI. 2018 December;72(12):856-863. PMID:30246448.
- Troester AM, Hendrickson NR, Glass NA, Bedard NA, Noiseux NO. Overlapping Surgery in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: Are 6-Week Complications Worse than Single Operating Room Scheduling?, IOWA ORTHOP J. 2019;39(1):29-35. PMID: 31413671
- Hadlandsmyth K, Dindo LN, St. Marie BJ, Wajid R, Embree JL, Noiseux NO, Tripp-Reimer T, Zimmerman MB, Rakel BA. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Instruments: Reliability and Validity in Veterans Following Orthopedic Surgery. EVAL HEALTH PROF. 2020 Dec;43(4):207-212. PMID: 31195828
- Holte AJ, Carendar CN, Noiseux NO, Otero JE, Brown TS. Restrictive Opioid Prescribing Protocols Following Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty Are Safe and Effective., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2019 February 20. PMID:30890390.
- Shinozaki G, Bormann NL, Chan AC, Zarei K, Sparr NA, Klisares MJ, Jellison SS, Heinzman JT, Dahlstrom EB, Duncan GN, Gaul LN, Wanzek RJ, Cramer EM, Wimmel CG, Sabbagh S, Yuki K, Weckmann MT, Yamada T, Karam MD, Noiseux NO, Shinozaki E, Cho HR, Lee S, Cromwell JW. Identification of Patients With High Mortality Risk and Prediction of Outcomes in Delirium by Bispectral EEG., J CLIN PSYCHIATRY. 2019 Sep 3;80(5):19m12749. PMID: 31483958
- Owens J, Otero JE, Noiseux NO, Springer BD, Martin JR. Risk Factors for Post-Operative Blood Transfusion Following Total Knee Arthroplasty. IOWA ORTHOP J. 2020;40(1):69-73. PMID:32742211.
- Compton J, Owens J, Otero JO, NOISEUX NO, Brown TS. Extramedullary Guide Alignment Is Not Affected by Obesity in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty, J Knee Surg. 2020 February. PMID:32018277.
- Loftus RW, Dexter F, Goodheart MJ, McDonald M, Keech J, Noiseux N, Pugely A, Sharp W, Sharafuddin M, Lawrence WT, Fisher M, McGonagill P, Shanklin J, Skeete D, Tracy C, Erickson B, Granchi T, Evans L, Schmidt E, Godding J, Brenneke R, Persons D, Herber A, Yeager M, Hadder B, Brown JR. The Effect of Improving Basic Preventive Measures in the Perioperative Arena on Staphylococcus aureus Transmission and Surgical Site Infections: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA NETW OPEN. 2020 Mar 2;3(3):e201934. PMID: 32219407
- Warth LC, NOISEUX NO, Duncan ST, Daines SB, Mahoney CR. How Has COVID-19 Affected Our Orthopedic Implant Industry Partners? Implications for the Surgeon-Industry Relationship in 2020 and Beyond., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2020 Jul;35(7S):S56-S59 PMID:32386882.
- Carender CN, DeMik DE, Otero JE, Noiseux NO, Brown TS, Bedard NA. What is the Clinical Utility of Synovial Alpha Defensin Testing of Antibiotic Spacers Before Reimplantation?, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2021 Jun;36(6):2150-2157. PMID:33648841.
- Hart AA, DeMik DE, Brown TS, Noiseux NO. Routine Radiographs After Total Joint Arthroplasty: Is There Clinical Value?, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2021 Jul;36(7):2431-2434. PMID:33714635.
- Carender CN, DeMik DE, Glass NA, Noiseux NO, Brown TS, Bedard NA. Do Extended Oral Postoperative Antibiotics Prevent Early Periprosthetic Joint Infection in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty?, J ARTHROPLASTY. 2021 Aug;36(8):2716-2721. PMID:33781639.
- Trinh JQ, Carender CN, An Q, Noiseux NO, Otero JE, Brown TS. Resilience and Depression Influence Clinical Outcomes Following Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty., J ARTHROPLASTY. 2021 May;36(5):1520-1526. PMID:33334640.
- Halbur CR, Gulbrandsen TR, West CR, Brown TS, Noiseux NO. Weight-Based Aspirin Dosing May Further Reduce the Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism Following Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. J ARTHROPLASTY. 2021 Dec;36(12):3986-3992. PMID: 34215460.
- Yamanashi T, Marra PS, Crutchley KJ, Wahba NE, Malicoat JR, Sullivan EJ, Akers CC, Nicholson CA, Herrmann FM, Karam MD, Noiseux NO, Kaneko K, Shinozaki E, Iwata M, Cho HR, Lee S, Shinozaki G. Mortality among patients with sepsis associated with a bispectral electroencephalography (BSEEG) score. SCI REP. 2021 Jul 9;11(1):14211. PMID: 34244577
- DeMik DE, Carender CN, Glass NA, Noiseux NO, Brown TS, Bedard NA. Are Morbidly Obese Patients Equally Benefitting From Care Improvements in Total Hip Arthroplasty? J ARTHROPLASTY. 2022 Mar;37(3):524-529. PMID: 34883253
- Anthony CA, Rojas E, Glass N, Keffala V, Noiseux NO, Elkins J, Brown TS, Bedard NA. A Psycholgical Intervention Delivered by Automated Mobile Phone Messaging Stabilized Hip and Knee Function During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J ARTHROPLASTY. 2022 Mar;37(3):431-437. PMID: 34906660
- Yamanashi T, Crutchley KJ, Wahba NE, Sullivan EJ, Comp KR, Kajitani M, Tran T, Modukuri MV, Marra PS, Herrmann FM, Chang G, Anderson ZM, Iwata M, Kobayashi K, Kaneko K, Umeda Y, Kadooka Y, Lee S, Shinozaki E, Karam MD, Noiseux NO, Shinozaki G. Evaluation of point-of-care thumb-size bispectral electroencephalography device to quantify delirium severity and predict mortality. BR J PSYCHIATRY. 2021 Aug 2:1-8. PMID: 35049468
- Carender CN, Anthony CA, Rojas EO, Noiseux NO, Bedard NA, Brown TS. Perioperative Opioid Counseling Reduces Opioid Use Following Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. IOWA ORTHOP J. 2022 Jun;42(1):169-177. PMID: 35821950
- Patient Resilience Influences Opioid Consumption in Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty Patients. Trinh JQ, Carender CN, An Q, Noiseux NO, Otero JE, Brown TS. IOWA ORTHOP J. 2022; 42(2):112-117. PMID: 36601223
- Presence of a Lateral Trochlear Osteophyte Predicts Medial Unicompartmental Arthroplasty Failure at Midterm Follow-up. Carender CN, Rand DR, DeMik DE, An Q, Noiseux NO. ARTHROPLAST TODAY. 2022 Nov 29;19 PMID: 36465693
- What Is the Fate of Total Joint Arthroplasty Patients Who Are Asked to Quit Smoking Prior to Surgery? Paulsen K, Carender CN, Noiseux NO, Elkins JM, Brown TS, Bedard NA. ARTHROPLAST TODAY. 2023 Jan 14;19. PMID: 36691461
Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Review:
Noiseux NO. Web Commentary on "Fixation of a Trabecular Metal Knee Arthroplasty Component. A Prospective Randomized Study", JBJS (Am). 2009;91. - Commentary
Noiseux NO. Evidence-Based Orthopaedics Commentary on "The Two-Incision and Mini-Posterior Approaches for Total Hip Arthroplasty Did Not Differ in Terms of Outcomes at More Than Eight Years", JBJS (Am). 2018 February 21;100(4):346-7. PMID:29462041. - Conference Proceeding
Fixing “pistol grip” deformity may erase need for new hip, The Medical Post. 2003 March 18;38(11). - Electronic Publication
Avdic A, Nancy K, Denise P, Noiseux NO. Getting Practical About Improving Quality. MedEdPORTAL iCollaborative. 2014.
Textbook Chapters
- Lewallen DG, Noiseux NO. Chapter 42: Total Hip Arthroplasty Complications: Dislocation. OKU Hip and Knee Reconstruction. 2005.
- Noiseux NO, Nystrom LM. Chapter 63. Case Presentations: Extensively Porous-Coated, Cylindrical Stems. Techniques in Revision Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. 1st. Edited by: Scuderi GR, Elsevier Saunders. 2014. p. 492-4.
- Noiseux NO, Nystrom LM. Chapter 64. Surgical Techniques: Extensively Porous-Coated, Cylindrical Stems. Techniques in Revision Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. 1st. Edited by: Scuderi GR, Elsevier Saunders. 2014. p. 495-8.
- Noiseux, NO, Owens, JM: Lesson 24 - Implant Choice and Level of Constraint in Revision TKA, in Incavo SJ, ed: Surgical Insights: Total Knee Arthroplasty [online course]. Rosemont, IL American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2019.
- Noiseux, NO, Owens, JM: Case Study for Lesson 24 - Revision TKA, in Incavo SJ, ed: Surgical Insights: Total Knee Arthroplasty [online course]. Rosemont, IL American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2019.