John M. M.D. Martell

Schulische Ausbildung
- 1975 - 1979 Northern Michigan University
Marquette, Michigan
Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry - 1979 - 1983 The University of Chicago
Pritzker School of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine
- 1983 - 1984 Internship The University of Chicago Medical Center
General Surgery - 1984 - 1988 The University of Chicago Medical Center
Orthopaedic Surgery
Klinischer Werdegang
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Preise und Ehrungen
- Faculty Excellence in Resident Education Award; Section of Orthopaedic Surgery And Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Chicago, 1995-96, 1997-98
- The Hip Society: Co-Recipient of the John Charnley Award-January 2000, “Wear is a Function of Use, not Time!”
- Biolox Award at the CeramTec conference “Polyethylene Wear in Spherical Pressfit-Cups with 32 mm Alumina Heads” Wurzburg, Germany October 21, 2004
- ASG Traveling Fellowship from The American Orthopaedic Association for Spring 2006. The tour includes Austria, Switzerland, and Germany for promoting to the exchange of medical ideas internationally.
- Fellow-American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - February 1993
- Chicago Orthopaedic Society - June 1994
- Orthopaedic Research Society - February 1995
- Academic Orthopaedic Society-November 1996
- American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons-December 1997
- International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty-January 2000
- The Hip Society – December 2001
- The American Orthopaedic Association – June 2002
Kienapfel, J., Martell, J.M., Rosenberg, A., And Galante, J.O
“Cementless Gustilo-Kyle and Bias Total Hip Arthroplasty 2 to 5 year results”.
Trauma & Surgery, 110: pages 179-186, 1991Archives of Orthopaedic and
Martell, J.M., Galante, J.O., Pierson, R.H., Jacobs, J.J., Rosenberg, A.G., and Maley, M.,
“Clinical Experience with Primary Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty”
Chir Organi Mov, 77(4), pages 383-396,1992
Martell, J.M., Pierson, R.H. III, Jacobs, J.J., Rosenberg, A.G., Maley, M., and Galante,J.O.,
“Primary Total Hip Reconstruction with a Cementless Titanium Fiber Coated Prosthesis”.
J.B.J.S., 75-A: pages 554-571, April 1993
Mohler, C.G., Kull, L.R., Martell, J.M., Rosenberg, A.G., Galante, J.O.,
“Hybrid Total Hip Replacement: Four to Seven Year Results Using a Cementless Cementless Acetabular Component and a Cemented Femoral Component”.
J.B.J.S., Vol 77A, pages 86-96 January 1995
Martell, J M.., Berdia, Sunjay, M.S.
“Determination of Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Replacements” J.B.J.S.,
79-A, No.11, pages 1635-1641 November, 1997
Chunsheng Jiang, Maryellen L. Giger, Michael R. Chinander, Martell,_J.M. Sandy Kwak and Murray J. Favus
“Characterization of bone quality using computer-extracted radiographic features”
Medical Physics, Vol. 26, No.6, Pages 872-879, June 1999
Michael R. Chinander, Maryellen L. Giger, John M. Martell, Chunsheng Jiang, Murray J. Favus
“Computerized radiographic texture measures for characterizing Bone strength: A simulated clinical set up using femoral neck specimens”
Medical Physics Vol. 26, No. 11, pages 2295-2300, November 1999
Martell, John M., Leopold, Seth, Liu, Xiling
"The Effect of Joint Loading on Acetabular Wear Measurement in Total Hip Arthroplasty”
Journal of Arthroplasty, Vol. 15, No. 4, pages 512-518, June 2000
Chinander, M.R., Giger, M.L., Martell, John M., Favus, M.J.,
“Computerized Analysis of Radiographic Bone Patterns: Effect of Imaging Conditions on Performance.”
Medical Physics, Vol. 27: pages 75-85, 2000
T. P. Schmalzried, E. F. Shepherd, F. J. Dorey, W. O. Jackson, M. dela Rosa, Fa’vae Fa’vae, H. A. McKellop, C. D. McClung, J. M. Martell, J. R. Moreland, H.C. Amstutz,
“Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research” , Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Issue 381, The John Charnley Award “Wear is a Function of Use, Not Time”, pages 36 - 46, December, 2000
Looney, R. John, Boyd, A., Totterman, S., Seo, G., Tamez-Pena, J., Campbell, D., Novotny, L., Olcott, C., Martell, John M., Hayes, F. A., O’Keefe, R. J., and Schwarz, E.M.
“Volumetric Computerized Tomography as a Measurement of Periprosthetic Acetabular Osteolysis and Its Correlation With Wear”,
Research Article, Arthritis Research Journal, Volume 4, No. 1, pages 59 – 63 October, 2001
Draganich, L, Martell, John M.,
“The Effects of Early Rollback in Total Knee Replacement on Stair Stepping”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 17, No. 6, pages 723-730, September 2002
Hui, Andrew J., McCalden, Richard W., Martell, John M., MacDonald, Steven J., Bourne, Robert B., Rorabeck, Cecil H.,
“Validation of Two and Three Dimensional Radiographic Techniques for Measuring Polyethylene Wear After Total Hip Arthroplasty”
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Volume 85-A, Number 3, pages 505-511, March 2003
Martell, John M.; Berkson, Eric; Berger, Richard; Jacobs, Joshua;
“Comparison of Two and Three-Dimensional Computerized Polyethylene Wear Analysis After Total Hip Arthroplasty”
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Volume 85-A, Number 6, pages 1111-1117, June 2003
Martell, J.M., Verner, James J., Incavo, Steven J.,
“Clinical Performance of a Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene at Two Years in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Randomized Prospective Trial”
Journal of Arthroplasty, Vol. 18, Number 7, Suppl. 1, pages 55-59 October 2003
Rothman, Richard H.; Sharkey, Peter; Hozack, William; Martell, John;
“Wear Performance of Conventional (ARCOM) and Highly Crosslinked Acetabular Liners in Bilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 19, No. 2, page 261, February 2004
Manning, David; Chiang, Peter; Martell, John; Harris, William H.;
“In Vivo Comparison of Traditional Vs. Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene Wear”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 19, No. 2, page 262, February 2004
Mihalich, Robert M.; Incavo, Stephen J.; Martell, John M.; Coughlin, Kathryn; Beynnon, Bruce;
“Simultaneous Bilateral THA Using a Cementless Femoral Stem”
American Journal of Orthopaedics, Volume XXXIV, Number 4, pages 177-182 April 2005
Charles R. Bragdon, John M. Martell, Daniel M. Estok II, Meridith E. Greene, Henrik Malchau, Johan Karrholm, William H. Harris,
“A New Approach for the Martell 3-D Method of Measuring Polyethylene Wear Without Requiring the Cross-Table Lateral Films”
Journal of Orthopaedic Research Society, Volume 23, Number 4, pages 720- 725, July 2005
Botti TP, Gent J, J. M. Martell, Manning DW ,
“Trunion Fracture of a Fully Porous-Coated Femoral Stem: Case Report”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, October 2005, Volume. 20, Issue 7, Pages 943-945
Manning DW, Chiang PP, J.M. Martell, Galante JO, Harris WH ,
“In Vivo Comparative Wear Study of Traditional and Highly Cross-linked Polyethylene in Total Hip Arthroplasty”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, October 2005, Volume 20, Issue 7, Pages 880-886
Hendrich, C.; Mehling, I.; Sauer, U.; Kirschner, S.; Martell, J.M.
“Cementless Acetabular reconstruction and Structural Bone-Grafting in Dysplastic Hips”
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, February 2006, 88(2) pages 387-394
Charles R. Bragdon, John M. Martell, Meridith E. Greene, Daniel M. Estok, II, Jonas Thanner, Johan Kurrholm, William H. Harris, Henrik Malchau,
“Comparison of Femoral Head Penetration Using RSA and the Martell Method”
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Number 448, Pages 52-57, July 2006
Bragdon, Charles; Barrett, Susan; Martell, John; Greene, Meridith; Malchau, Henrik; Harris, William;
“Steady-State Penetration Rates of Electron Beam-Irradiated, Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene at an Average 45-Month Follow-up”
Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 21, Issue 7, Pages 935-943 October 2006
Christian Hendrich, Derya Ak, Ulf Sauer, Stephan Kirschner, Helge Schmitz, John M. Martell;
“High Long-term Loosening Rate of Conical Screw Cups”
Acta Orthopaedica 2006; 77 (6) Pages 886-892
C Hendrich, F. Engelmaier, I Mehling, U. Sauer, S. Kirschner, J.M. Martell,
“Cementless Acetabular Reconstruction and Structural Bone-Grafting in Dysplastic Hips”
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; Surgical Techniques, Volume 89-A, Supplement 2, Part 1, Pages 54-67, March 2007
C.Hendrich, I.Webering, U. Sauer, S. Kirschner, J. Martell,
”Long-term Results and Migration Analysis of Spherical Press-fit Cups with Femoral Head Bone Graft”
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, in print 2007
C.Hendrich, U. Sauer, D. Ak, S. Kirschner, H. Schmitz, J. Martell,
”Long Term Migration Analysis of Conical Screw Cups”
The Journal of Arthroplasty, in review 2007
A.J. Tonino, B. Grimm, A.D. Verburg, J.J. Rondhuis, J.M. Martell,
“Randomized Clinical Study of a Crosslinked Polyethylene for Total Hip Arthroplasty at Five Year Follow-up”
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, in review 2007
M.R. Chinander, M.L. Giger, J.M. Martell, M.J. Favus and C. Jiang,
chapter in “Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging” K Doi, H. MacMahon, M.L. Giger and K.R. Hoffman, Editors. “Evaluation of manual and computeritzed radiographic techniques for analyzing wear in total hip arthroplasty based on repeatability analysis and autopsy retrievals” pages 397 to 400, Elsevier, 1999
M.R. Chinander, M.L. Giger, J.M. Martell, M.J. Favus and C. Jiang,
chapter in “Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging” K Doi, H. MacMahon, M.L. Giger and K.R. Hoffman, Editors.; “Computerized analysis of Radographic bone patterns”; pages 401 to 407. Elsevier, 1999
Chunsheng Jiang, Maryellen L. Giger, Sandy M. Kwak, Michael R. Chinander, John M. Martell, Murray J. Favus,
“Normalized BMD as a Predictor of Bone Strength”
University of Chicago Academic Radiology Vol. 7, No.1, pages 33-39, January, 2000
J. R. Wilkie, M. L. Giger, C.A. Engh, Sr., and J. M. Martell,
“Investigation of temporal radiographic texture analysis for the detection of periprosthetic osteolysis”
Proc. of SPIE 30, 61446Z1-8 (2006)
Wilkie JR, Giger ML, Engh CA, Hopper RH, Martell JM.
Radiographic texture analysis in the characterization of trabecular patterns in periprosthetic osteolysis.
Acad Radiol 2008; 15(2):176-85
Wilkie JR, Giger ML, Chinander MR, Engh CA, Hopper RH, Martell JM.
Temporal radiographic texture analysis in the detection of periprosthetic osteolysis.
Med Phys 2008; 35(1):377-87