Dr. Ross K. Leighton

Schulische Ausbildung
- Dalhousie University Halifax N.S.
Klinischer Werdegang
- Trauma and Arthroplasty
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- The Gold Standard In Tibial Plateau A Prospective Multicenter Randomized Study Of AIBG Vs. -BSM®--submitted to JBJS Feb 2008 accepted with revisions outstanding
- 1984 - 1985 Fellowship – Revision Arthroplasty, Trauma, Acute Care (ICU)
University of Toronto, Ontario Dr. James Waddell - 1985 Fellowship - Trauma (ICU) and Research University of California Davis
Mr. M. Chapman and Dr. T. Bray. - 1991 - 2002 Director Of Trauma –QE II HSC
- 1997 - 2001 Director of Trauma for the Province of Nova Scotia Responsible Directly to the Head of Emergency Health Care Services—Reorganized the Province from a Funeral Home Ambulance Service to a State of the Art Inclusive Trauma Care System—Dept of Health Appointment-Province of Nova Scotia
- 1999 Best Clinical Teacher Award – Awarded by the Orthopaedic Residents
- 2000 Best Clinical Teacher Award – Won in conjunction with Chris Cook – Awarded by the Orthopaedic Residents
- 2001 Calcaneal Fractures—Who to Operate on and What are the Outcomes-Ross Leighton M.D., Rick Buckley M.D., Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society—Samson Award Winning Paper at the 2001 annual COA meeting Best Clinical Scientific Paper Podium Presentation
- 2002 Best Clinical Teacher Award – Awarded by the Orthopaedic Residents
- 2003 Peer Reviewed AO Research Award to perform a Prospective
Multi-cantered Randomized Study of LISS Plating - $195,000 Plus $90,000 matched funding from industry – Total $294,000.00 - 2004 Austrian Swiss-German (ASG) travelling Fellowship--Represented the COA and travelled to academic centres in Austria,Switzerland and Germany-One representative from the BOA and Two from the AOA—a great academic experience!!
- 2005 Peer Reviewed research funding -$15,000 to perform Testing on The RIA Reamer and it’s effe3ct on Fat Emboli in the Lung --Research Committee –QE II HSC
- 2006 July 1 Pomotion----Professor of Surgery—Dalhousie University Halifax.NS
Preise und Ehrungen
- Robert Winquest Award—Best Resident Lab –Calcaneal fracture lab—2006
Orthopedic Trauma Association meeting - Reseacher Award from Orthopedic Trauma Association (OTA) --productive clinical research that has altered the standard of patient over the last 10 years within the OTA
- Reviewer - Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma-1998-to present
- Reviewer—Canadian Journal of Surgery—1998--present
- President and Founder of Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society -Subsection on Trauma for The Canadian Orthopaedic Association – founded June 1998
-This organization is the premier trauma group with respect to prospective Randomized trials Alpha Club—Member—2002—present Program Committee Chair—Orthopedic Trauma Association 2004-2007 Program Committee - COA—2001—to present Program Committee Co-Chair—Canadian Orthopedic Association –Halifax 2007
Buckley R, Tough S, McCormack R, Pate G,Leighton R, Petrie D, Galpin R
Operative compared with non-operative treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: a prospective, randomised, controlled multicenter trial
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002 Oct;84-A(10):173-44 –Best Scientific Paper Award COA – 2001
Anderson DR, Wilson SJ, Blundell J, Petrie D, Leighton R, Stanish W, Alexander D, Robinson KS, Burton E, Gross M
Comparison of a nonogram and physician-adjusted dosage of warfarin for prophylaxis against deep-vein thrombosis after arthroplasty
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002 Nov;84-A(11):1992-7
Csizy M, Buckley R, Tough S, Leighton R, Smith J, McCormack R, Pate G, Petrie D,Galpin R Related Articles, Links
Displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: variables predicting late subtalar fusion
J Ortho Trauma, 2003 Feb;17(2):106-12
Howard JL, Buckley R, McCormack R, Pate G, Leighton R, Petrie D, Galpin R
Complications following management of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: a prospective randomised trial comparing open reduction internal fixation with nonoperative management
J Orthop Trauma. 2003 Apr;17(4):241-9
Dooley P, Buckley R, Tough S, McCormack B, Pate G, Leighton R, Petrie D, Galpin R
Bilateral calcaneal fractures:operative versus nonoperative treatment
Foot Ankle Int. 2004 Feb;25(2):47-52
Tanzer M, Gollis J, Leighton R, Orrell K, Giacchino A, Welsh P, Shea B, Wells G
The effect of adjuvant calcium phospate coating on a porous-coated femoral stem
Clin Orthop. 2004 Jul(424:153-60
O’Brien J, Buckley R, McCormack R, Pate G, Leighton R, Petrie D, Galpin R
Personal Gait Satisfaction After Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures: A 2-8 Year Follow-Up
Foot Ankle Int 2004 Sept;(25):657-665
Chapters of Textbooks Published Recently: 1)The Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures – Rockwood and Green (July 1/2004) 2) Periprosthetic Fractures – PKU Trauma Update (August 2004) AAOS`publicatio