Prof. Dr. med. Heino Kienapfel †

Current Position:
Klinikdirektor, Chairman of Dept. of Special Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology
Clinical Focus:
- Adult reconstr. Surgery: Hip, Knee, Foot, Spine Surgery, Minim. Invasive Surgery
- (Zusatzbezeichnung) Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Special Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Manual Medicine
Scientific Focus:
- Biomaterials, Biomed. Engineering, Hip, Knee, Foot, Spine, Infections, Clin. Research
- Vice-chairman Dept. Orthop. Surgery Univ. Marburg from 1996 -2004
- Since 2004: Chairman Dept. of Special Orthopedic Surgery &Traumatology, Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Berlin, Teaching Hosp. Charité Univers. Medicine & Philipps Univ. Marburg
- 1984-85: General Surger y &Trauma Surgery St. Marien Hospital, Ludwigshafen
- 1985-88: Dept. Orthopaedic Surgery University Marburg ; 1988-90 Rush Univ. Chicago, USA;
- 1990-2004: Dept. Orthopaedic Surgery University Marburg;
- 2004 onwards: Dept. of Special Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology, AVK, Berlin
- University Heidelberg, London (Guy’s Hospital)
- Professorship, Univ. Marburg since 1999; Habilitation / PhD Univ. of Marburg 1993
- Promotion / Dr. med. (1983)
- Chairman Assoc. German Arthroplasty Register (DER e.V.), Appointed Expert for Quality Assessment Arthroplasty at Federal Authority Quality Assessment (BQS), AG
- 1999
- Jose Romero, Michael Ogon, Michael Wagner
Kienapfel H., Sumner D. R., Turner T. M., Urban R. M., McLeod B. C., Skipor A. K., Yeung A., Galante J. O.
(1992) I/VI: Efficacy of autograft and freeze-dried allograft to enhance fixation of porous coated implants in the presence of interface gaps.
J. Orthop. Res. 10 (3): 423-433
Kienapfel H., Martell J., Rosenberg A., Galante J.
(1991): Cementless Gustilo-Kyle and BIAS total hip arthroplasty: 2-5 year results.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg 110: 179-186
Kienapfel H., Griss P., Orth J., Roloff K., Malzer U.
(1991): 2-5 Jahresergebnisse mit der zementfrei einsetzbaren Kniegelenkprothese vom Typ Miller-Galante.
Orthopäde 20: 189-196
Kienapfel H., Pitzer W., Griss P.
(1992): Three- to five-year results with the cementless Harris-Galante acetabular component used in hybrid total hip arthroplasty.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 111: 142-147
Kienapfel H., Swain R., Hettel A., Wilke A., Koller M., Griss P.
(1997): Recombinant and non-recombinant factor XIII and its effect on bone ingrowth and strength of fixation.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma 116 (4): 239-243
Kienapfel H., Koller M., Wüst A., Sprey C., Merte H., Engenhart-Cabillic R., Griss P.
(1999): Prevention of heterotopic bone formation after total hip arthroplasty: a prospective randomised study comparing postoperative radiation therapy with indomethacin medication.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 18; 119 (5/6): 296-302
Pfeiffer M., Griss P., Haake M., Kienapfel H., Billion M.
(1996): Standardized evaluation of long-term results after anterior lumbar interbody fusion.
European Spine Journal 5: 299-307
Koller M., Kienapfel H., Hinder D., Sabau E., Wingert G., Pfeiffer M., Griss P., Lorenz W.
(1999): Eine Skala zur Messung von Beschwerden bei degenerativen Veränderungen der Halswirbelsäule.
Chirurg 70: 1364-1373, 1999
Kienapfel H., Rustmeier B., Griss P.
(2000): Vergleich zwischen transfemoralem und endofemoralem Zugang bei Hüftprothesenwechseleingriffen.
Orthop. Praxis 36: 339-342
Kienapfel H., Springorum H. P., Sprey Ch., Wilke A., Griss P.
(2000): Operationstechnische patellare und peri-patellare Ursachen bei patellofemoralen Problemen beim totalen Kniegelenkersatz.
Orthop. Praxis
Kienapfel H.
(2000): Metalle als Biomaterial.
Übersichtsarbeit in der medizinisch-orthopädischen Technik. 120: 17-22
Kienapfel H., Sprey C., Wilke A., Griss P.
(1999): Bone ingrowth fixation.
J. Arthroplasty 14 (3): 355-368
Kienapfel H., Roessler M, Wilke A, Griss P.
Missing osteoconductive effect of a resorbable PEO/PBT copolymer in human bone defects: a clinically relevant pilot study with contrary results to previous animal studies.
J Biomed Mater Res. 2000;53(2):167-73.
Kienapfel H., Hinrichs F.
Case-mix adjusted reimbursement system based on the Australian Refined Diagnostic Related Groups (AR-DRG) for orthopedic and trauma surgery clinics
Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2001 Jan-Feb;139(1):M2-10. German. No abstract available.
Kienapfel H., Wilke A, Traub F, Griss P.
Cell differentiation under the influence of rh-BMP-2.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jun 29;284(5):1093-7.
Pitto RP, Lang I, Kienapfel H, Willert HG.
The German Arthroplasty Register.
Acta Orthop Scand Suppl. 2002 Oct;73(305):30-3. Review.
Kienapfel H., Springorum HP, Ziegler A, Klose KJ, Georg C, Griss P.
Effect of rotation of the femoral and tibial components on patellofemoral malalignment in knee arthroplasty
Orthopade. 2003 Apr;32(4):312-8. German.]
Hildebrand R, Trappmann D, Georg C, Muller HH, Koller M, Klose KJ, Griss P, Kienapfel H.
What effect does the hydroxyapatite coating have in cementless knee arthroplasty?
Orthopade. 2003 Apr;32(4):323-30.
Kienapfel H., Griss P, Hinrichs F.
DRG based development of revenues in orthopaedic surgery. A comparison on the development of cost weights and average lengths of hospital stay in Germany (G-DRG V1.0) and in Australian teaching hospitals (AR-DRG 4.1)
Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2003 May-Jun;141(3):261-71. German.
Kienapfel H., Hildebrand R, Neumann T, Specht R, Koller M, Celik I, Mueller HH, Griss P, Klose KJ, Georg C.
The effect of Palamed G bone cement on early migration of tibial components in total knee arthroplasty.
Inflamm Res. 2004 Aug;53 Suppl 2:S159-63. Epub 2004 Aug 10
Kienapfel H., Koller M, Hinder D, Georg C, Pfeiffer M, Klose KJ, Lorenz W, Griss P.
Integrated outcome assessment after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: myelocompression but not adjacent instability affect patient-reported quality of life and cervical spine symptoms.
Spine. 2004 Nov 15;29(22):2501-9.