Clinical Focus:
- Knee, Hip and Shoulder Arthroplasty and Revision Arthroplasty, Minimally Invasive Surgery, arthroscopic Surgery, Orthopedic Rheumatology, Foot Surgery, Sportsmedicine
- Specialist in Orthopedics, Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Special Orthopaedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics, Sportsmedicine, Physical Therapy
Scientific Focus:
- Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty an Revision Arthroplasty
- Senior Physician University of Aachen (1995)
- Head of Orthopädic Department Braunschweig (since 2000)
- Specialist in Orthopedics (1995)
- Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery (2005)
- Orthopedic Rheumatology (1997)
- Special Orthopedic Surgery (1999)
- Pediatric Orthopedics (2005)
- RWTH Universitiy of Aachen, Gernany and London (1983-1989)
- Conferral of Doctorate RWTH Aachen (1993)
- Conferral of Venia Legendi RWTH Aachen (1997)
- Associate Professor RWTH Aachen (2002)
- Executive Board, BVOU
- Executive Board, VLOU
- Chairman, VLOU Northern Germany
- Stefan Nehrer, Markus Kuster, Jasper Neidel
- 2000
Heller K. D., Forst J., Forst R., Cohen B.
Posterior dislocation of the shoulder – recommendations for a classification.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 1994; 113: 228-31
Heller K. D., Forst J., Forst R.
Differentialtherapie der traumatisch induzierten persistierenden hinteren Schulterluxation.
Unfallchirurg. 1995; 98: 6-12
Heller K. D., Forst J., Cohen B., Forst R.
An experimental study of tensile strength of six different suture techniques-exampled by polyester lace suture fixation in bilateral scapulopexy.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 1996; 115: 108-110
Heller K. D., Prescher A., Forst J., Stadtmüller A., Forst R.
Anatomo – experimental study for lace suture fixation of winged scapula muscular dystrophy.
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (Journal of Clinical Anatomy), 1996; 18: 75-79
Heller K. D., Prescher A., Holbeck M., Forst R.
Bone cement penetration of the acetabulum in total hip replacement – An experimental study.
International Orthopaedics. 1996; 20: 315-320
Heller K. D., Prescher A., Zilkens K. W., Forst R.
Anatomical study on femoral vein occlusion during simulated hip arthroplasty.
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (Journal of Clinical Anatomy) 1997; 119: 133-137
Heller K. D., Prescher A., Schneider T., Block R., Forst R.:
An experimental study of the stability of different wiring techniques in segmental spinal stabilisatio.
Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg. 1998; 117: 96-99
Heller K. D., Forst R., Forst J., Hengstler K.
Scoliosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – aspects of corset treatment.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 1997; 21: 202-209
Heller K. D., Prescher A., Birnbaum K., Forst R.
Femoral nerve lesion in total hip replacement – an experimental study.
Arch Orthop. Trauma Surg. 1998; 117: 153-155
Heller K. D., Niethard F. U.
Der Einsatz der extrakorporalen Stoßwellentherapie in der Orthopädie – eine Metaanalyse.
Zeitschrift für Orthopädie. 1998; 136: 390-401