Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter R. Aldinger

Current Position:
Medical Director and Head of Orthopedic Service of Paulinenhilfe Medical Center, Diakonieklinikum, Stuttgart, Germany
Oldest persisting Orthopaedic Center worldwide since 1845
Clinical Focus:
- hip and knee primary and revision arthroplasty
- Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Scientific Focus:
- hip and knee primary and revision arthroplasty
- fast and fourious
- BG Traumacenter Tübingen, Nuffield Orthopaedic Center Oxford, Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
- Christian Bach, Stefan Delank, Lorenz Büchler
- 2010
Merle C, Clarius M, Aldinger PR.
Long-term results of uncemented stems in total hip arthroplasty : Analysis of survival rates with a minimum 15-year follow-up.
Orthopade. 2009 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Clarius M, Jung AW, Streit MR, Merle C, Raiss P, Aldinger PR.
Long-term results of the threaded Mecron cup in primary total hip arthroplasty : A 15-20-year follow-up study.
Int Orthop. 2009 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Clarius M, Jung AW, Raiss P, Streit MR, Merle C, Aldinger PR.
Long-term results of the threaded Weill cup in primary total hip arthroplasty : A 15-20-year follow-up study.
Int Orthop. 2009 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Clarius M, Haas D, Aldinger PR, Jaeger S, Jakubowitz E, Seeger JB.
Periprosthetic tibial fractures in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty as a function of extended sagittal saw cuts: An experimental study. Knee.
2009 Jun 16. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
Akbar M, Aldinger G, Krahmer K, Bruckner T, Aldinger PR.
Custom stems for femoral deformity in patients less than 40 years of age.
Acta Orthop. 2009 Jan 1:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]
Aldinger PR, Jung AW, Breusch SJ, Ewerbeck V, Parsch D.
Survival of the Cementless Spotorno((R)) Stem in the Second Decade.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2009 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Aldinger PR, Jung AW, Pritsch M, Breusch S, Thomsen M, Ewerbeck V, Parsch D.
Uncemented grit-blasted straight tapered titanium stems in patients younger than fifty-five years of age. Fifteen to twenty-year results.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009 Jun;91(6):1432-9.
Aldinger PR, Raiss P, Rickert M, Loew M.
Complications in shoulder arthroplasty: an analysis of 485 cases.
Int Orthop. 2009 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Schroeder K, Hauck C, Wiedenhöfer B, Braatz F, Aldinger PR.
Long-term results of hip arthroplasty in ambulatory patients with cerebral palsy.
Int Orthop. 2009 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Clarius M, Hauck C, Seeger JB, James A, Murray DW, Aldinger PR.
Pulsed lavage reduces the incidence of radiolucent lines under the tibial tray of Oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty : Pulsed lavage versus syringe lavage.
Int Orthop. 2009 Feb 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Dieppe P, Judge A, Williams S, Ikwueke I, Guenther KP, Floeren M, Huber J, Ingvarsson T, Learmonth I, Lohmander LS, Nilsdotter A, Puhl W, Rowley D, Thieler R, Dreinhoefer K; EUROHIP Study Group.
Variations in the pre-operative status of patients coming to primary hip replacement for osteoarthritis in European orthopaedic centres.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2009 Feb 10;10:19.
Clarius M, Aldinger PR, Bruckner T, Seeger JB.
Saw cuts in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: An analysis of sawbone preparations.
Knee. 2009 Feb 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Schlegel UJ, Bitsch RG, Pritsch M, Aldinger PR, Mau H, Breusch SJ.
Acetabular reinforcement rings in revision total hip arthroplasty: midterm results in 298 cases.
Orthopade. 2008 Sep;37(9):904, 906-13.
Raiss P, Aldinger PR, Kasten P, Rickert M, Loew M.
Total shoulder replacement in young and middle-aged patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008 Jun;90(6):764-9.
Raiss P, Aldinger PR, Kasten P, Rickert M, Loew M.
Humeral head resurfacing for fixed anterior glenohumeral dislocation.
Int Orthop. 2007 Dec 19; [Epub ahead of print]
Parsch D, Jung AW, Thomsen M, Ewerbeck V, Aldinger PR.
Good survival of uncemented tapered stems for failed intertrochanteric osteotomy: a mean 16 year follow-up study in 45 patients.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2007 Sep 18; [Epub ahead of print]
Schneider M, Heisel C, Aldinger PR, Breusch SJ.
Use of palpable tendons for extramedullary tibial alignment in total knee arthroplasty.
J Arthroplasty. 2007 Feb;22(2):219-26.
Aldinger PR, Gill HS, Schlegel U, Schneider M, Clauss M, Goodfellow JW, Murray DW, Breusch SJ.
Is computer navigation a useful tool in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty? A pilot cadaver study.
Orthopade. 2005 Nov;34(11):1094, 1096-102.
Breusch SJ, Lukoschek M, Thomsen M, Mau H, Ewerbeck V, Aldinger PR.
Ten-year results of uncemented hip stems for failed intertrochanteric osteotomy.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 Mar 2;
Aldinger PR, Clarius M, Murray DW, Goodfellow JW, Breusch SJ.
Medial unicompartmental knee replacement using the "Oxford Uni" meniscal bearing knee.
Orthopade. 2004 Nov;33(11):1277-83.
Aldinger PR, Thomsen M, Lukoschek M, Mau H, Ewerbeck V, Breusch SJ.
Long-term fate of uncemented, threaded acetabular components with smooth surface treatment: minimum 10-year follow-up of two different designs.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Sep;124(7):469-75.
Aldinger PR, Breusch SJ, Murray DW, Goodfellow JW.
Die mediale Schlittenprothese mit mobilem Polyethylenmeniskus “Oxford Uni” bei anteromedialer Gonarthrose.
Akt Traumatol 2003; 33:254-258.
Aldinger PR, Sabo D, Thomsen M, Mau H, Ewerbeck V, Breusch SJ:
Pattern of periprosthetic bone remodeling around stable uncemented tapered hip stems - A prospective 7-year follow-up study and a 13-year cross-sectional study with DEXA.
Calcif. Tiss. Int 2003, 73(2); 115-21
Aldinger PR, S.J. Breusch, M. Lukoschek, H. Mau, V. Ewerbeck, M. Thomsen.
A ten to 15 Year Follow-up of the Cementless Spotorno Stem.
JBJSBr 2003, 85B; 209-14.
Aldinger PR, Kreutzer J, Schneider M, Thomsen M, Breusch SJ.
Robotic bone preparation does not increase cement penetration in the proximal femur: A matched pair cadaver study comparing hand broaching versus robotic bone preparation.
Acta Orthop Scand 2003; 74(3), 270-76.
Aldinger PR, M Thomsen, H Mau, V Ewerbeck, S J Breusch.
Cementless Spotorno tapered titanium stems: Excellent 10 to 15 year survival in 141 young patients.
Acta Orthop Scand 2003 74(3);253-58
Aldinger PR, Mau H, Breusch SJ, Ewerbeck V.
Robotik in der Hüft- und Knieendoprothetik.
OP-Journal 1/2002
Aldinger PR, Kleine H, Goebel A, Eickmann U, Breusch
SJ: Fume Emission from Removal of PMMA-Bone Cement Using Ultrasonic Instruments in Revision Hip Arthroplasty.
Biomed Tech 2001 Oct;46:287-9.
Breusch SJ, Aldinger PR, Thomsen M, Everbeck V, Lukoschek M.
Fixation principles in hip replacement part I: the femoral stem.
Unfallchirurg (2000) 11: 918-31.
Breusch SJ, Aldinger PR, Thomsen M, Lukoschek M, Everbeck V.
fixation principles in hip replacement part II: the acetabular cup.
Unfallchirurg (2000) 12: 1017-31.
MN Thomsen, SJ Breusch, PR Aldinger; W Görtz, A Lahmer, M Honl, A Birke, H Nägerl.
Robotically-milled bone cavities.
Acta Orthop Scand. 2002, 73 (4), 379-385.
Thomsen M, Aldinger P, Gortz W, Lukoschek M, Lahmer A, Honl M, Birke A, Nagerl H, Ewerbeck V.
The importance to generate robot-assisted milled cavities for total hip replacement. A comparative experimental study: manual versus robotic preparation.
Unfallchirurg. 2001 Aug;104(8):692-9.
Piert M, Machulla HJ, Becker G, Aldinger P, Winter E, Bares R:
Dependency of the [18F]Fluoromisonidazole Uptake on Oxygen Delivery and Tissue Oxygenation in the Porcine Liver.
Nucl. Med. Biol. (2000) 27, 1-8.
Piert M, Machulla HJ, Becker G, Stahlschmidt A, Patt M, Aldinger P, Dißmann PD, Fischer H, Bares R, Becker HD, Lauchart W:
Introducing fluorine-18 fluoronidazole positron emission tomography for the localisation and quantification of pig liver hypoxia.
Eur J Nucl Med (1999) 26:95-109.
Aldinger PR, Murray DW, Goodfellow JW.
Das Oxford Knie mit mobilem Polyethylenmeniskus.
Buckup K, Die Unikondyläre Schlittenprothese, Steinkopf/Springer Verlag 2004
Aldinger PR, Parsch D, Jung A, Breusch SJ.
Langzeitergebnisse des zementfreien CLS Schaftes.
ASG Instructional Course Lectutes. Steinkopf/Springer Verlag 2005
- Intern. Society for Technology in Arthroplasty
- European Hip Society
- American Academy of Orthop. Surg. (AAOS)
- Computer assisted orthop. surgery
- Nordic Orthopaedic Federation
- jährlich DGOOC Berlin, VSO Baden-Baden
- regionale Tagungen und Kongresse
ISTA, Kyoto, Japan
- ISTA, Kyoto, Japan